Magnesium deficiency is a condition when magnesium and essential nutrient is lacking How do changes in diet cause magnesium deficiency? Some symptoms of Magnesium deficiency have been:
1. Irritability
Another normal symptom that is said to be caused by Magnesium Deficiency is Irritability. Irritability is a feeling when you are not pleased with those around you and you are not even friends with anyone. You easily irritate anyone. Your daily routine, while always busy in mundane activities, will never be completely smooth because if you are not smiling all the time, you will get annoyed. You’re also not friendly with people. You will find that people don’t like to talk to you if they hear you don’t smile enough.
2. Weight Gain
Another symptom that is a result of Magnesium Deficiency is, Weight Gain. People who are magnesium deficient, get immense energy from B vitamins. Even if your B vitamins are taken away, still getting energy from your calcium and protein is limited as these other sources are still available. This will also make your body absorb the weight of your soft tissues more quickly and raise your blood level.
3.Muscle Loss
Another symptom of Magnesium Deficiency is, Muscle Loss. When your body is unable to store more calcium and protein, your body will store the water from the movements of your muscles to produce water. If the water will not be stored, you will lack the magnesium that is needed to store the water. This condition is termed Inflammation of the Body and It will result in muscle weakness and muscle aches as many other body processes will be compromised.
4.Kidney Problems
Organically, magnesium can help your kidneys get rid of toxins in the body. Chemical reactions take place in the body to get magnesium, and you can be deficient in magnesium immediately after fertilizing, fertilizing, planting, and slaughtering animals. After a month or so, if you take adequate meals from the correct foods, your blood is unaware of low magnesium levels and your calcium and protein levels will go back to their normal state.
5.Muscle Pain
Another symptom of Magnesium Deficiency is Muscle Pain. This condition can be mostly caused by the hormones in your body. When your kidney is blocked due to overgrowth in the urine, when you vomited earlier in the day, or in any other way, it can be the reason for muscular pain.
6.Poor Digestion
Another symptom of Magnesium Deficiency is Digestion Issues. You will find your stool will be yellowish and you will have a lot of bacteria around your stool. The most widespread symptom of Magnesium Deficiency is Sleep Deficiency. Sleep Deficiency can cause restless dreams and a restless stomach.